Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ruach: Mercy, Grace, and Kindness

The word Ruach is composed of three Hebrew letters, resh (ר), vav (ו), and chet (ח). These letters serve as roshei teivot for a common description of G-d going back to the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy described in Shemot (Exodus) 34:6-7, Rachum ve-Chanun  רחום וחנון, Merciful and Gracious. These three letters also can be roshei teivot for rachamim ve-chesedרחמים וחסד, mercy and kindness. Thus, the "Feminine" Divine Breath, at the Essence of G-d, but also forming the substance of all creation, is full of Mercy, Grace, and Kindness.