Thursday, November 3, 2016

Divine Breath

The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) tells us that creation is accomplished and maintained by the Divine Breath (Ruach Y-H-W-H, Ruach El/Elohim, Nishmat Shadday, etc.) (Gen. 1:2; Ps. 33:6; Job 33:4). 

Breath maintains life and so is essential, is at the very essence of any breathing creature. By analogy, the Divine Breath is the inherent Divine Life Force, is at the very Essence of G-d. Since the Divine Breath is Biblically used with feminine gendered verbs and is thus Feminine, the Feminine is at the Divine Essence; hence, the feminine gender of the word for the Essence (Atzmut). 

But the breath of any breathing creature also can be projected beyond that creature, and can form the substance of sound and word coming from that creature. By analogy, the Divine Breath also can be projected and form the substance of sound and word from G-d. So, while remaining One with G-d at the level of the Divine Essence, the Divine Breath also constitutes the substance of projected creation from G-d. 

Thus, all is continuous, from the Divine Essence to every creature, even in any and every difference. 

This continuity can be more revealed or more concealed depending upon our actions. The more good we do, the more it is revealed, the more evil, the more it is concealed.